Day 17 - 21 Days Fasting and Prayers (2022)

Pastor Alesin


Text: II Kings 3:15-19

Day 17

Christ Apostolic Church Sheraton Hotel Assembly, Ikeja 2022 (21) days Fasting and Prayers. Theme: Divine Multiplication.

Topic: Marvelous God

We glorify God for all what He has been doing in our midst since we started this 21 days Fasting and Prayers, I appreciate God for showing forth His power in individual lives through this Fasting and prayers, my prayers is that all our testimonies will be permanent in Jesus name and His will shall be established in our individual lives in Jesus name.

Today is Day 17 of our Fasting and Prayers and God is taking us deeper, the Divine Multiplication that will take us to an higher level in every area of our life, the Lord will surely release to us today in Jesus name.

In today’s text, we see three different Kings in a tense battle against the Moabites, King of Edom, King of Judah and King of Israel and on their way to the battle field, they travels almost 7 days without water in the wilderness, either for animals they rode, or for the warriors with them.

These three Kings were amazed and they were worried, as they were about giving up, they were depressed, wondering how could they have traversed all these area without water.

When they called to inquire from Prophet Elisha, the Prophet prophesy to them, and he spoke the word of Multiplication, which is just beyond human understanding,

For thus says the LORD: ‘You shall not see wind, nor shall you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you, your cattle, and your animals may drink.’ And this is a simple matter in the sight of the LORD; He will also deliver the Moabites into your hand.

  • II Kings 3:17-18.

Some of us too are in dilemma concerning some area of our lives, just like the three Kings, we need a Divine intervention that will lead to extra ordinary multiplication.

God in His mighty power make a specific and special provision for them in that wilderness, God provides water and this is without rain or wind, but the place was filled with water and both their animals and warriors drank endlessly.

It is amazing, God here display His mighty hand, God show forth that He can make a provision, multiplication even beyond our imagination, two major things was done by these three Kings, they call for prayers through the prophet, and two they trust God.

Today, as we pray, God will surprise you beyond your imagination in Jesus name, He will show up for you in a miraculous way in Jesus name.

The Bible establishes in Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

One of the major attributes of God is that He is able, He can do whatever He promised to do.

I want us to know something concerning God, when it comes to healing, if can’t be repaired, if can be replaced, I want us to trust Him with that issue, He is able, He has integrity concerning His word.

As we continue today in our Fasting and prayers, the Lord will surely answer our prayers in Jesus name.

Let Us Pray.

  1. Let us appreciate God for His mighty hand and miraculous deeds in our lives since we have started this 21 days Fasting and Prayers.
  2. O Lord, glorify thyself in whatever I am passing through in Jesus name.
  3. O Lord, let there be a display of your power concerning every situation in my life in Jesus name.
  4. O Lord, because it is in your power to do it, and if you do it for me, no one will query you, what my mockers thought it is impossible concerning my life, O Lord, do it for me in Jesus name.
  5. O Lord, put to shame, every power that is expected my shame in every area of my life in Jesus name.
  6. O Lord, just as you surprised these three Kings without stress and beyond their own imagination, concerning this particular issue in my life, glorify thyself in Jesus name.
  7. Please add yours

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Lagos, Nigeria.