Day 21 - 21 Days Fasting and Prayers (2022)

Pastor Alesin


Text: Genesis 26:1-6;12-14

Day 21

Christ Apostolic Church Sheraton Hotel Assembly, Ikeja 2022 (21) days Fasting and Prayers. Theme: Divine Multiplication / Encounter

Topic: The Blessing of the Lord.

I want to appreciate God upon our ives individually and upon our family, God has been so awesome and good to us in this 21 days Fasting and Prayers, we have experienced the display of His mighty power. All glory to His name. Alleluia.

Today is the last day, and it is going to be a mixture of Praise and Prayer, and I know God will surely accept our praises and answer our prayers in Jesus name.

Today’s text is a display of the hand of God in blessing and multiplication of Isaac endeavors even in the time of famine, a time when the whole city is crying, a time when the economy of the entire place has collapse.

The Bible did not tell us the causes of the famine, probably it as a result of wars or drought, or of days without rain, but whatever causes the famine, we can that see God blesses His our child, during these odd times.

I pray for us, the hand of blessings of God will be upon our lives in Jesus name.

The Bible makes us to understand in verse 13-14 The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. So the Philistines envied him.

The blessings of God was visible and enormous over Isaac to the extent that people around him were envying him, they were wondering, what could have been his secret of his blessings even at this critical time of famine.

My prayer for you today is that, the hand of God will be upon your endeavors, and you will begin to experience Divine Multiplication just like Isaac in every area of your life even to the extent that it will be visible to everyone around you in Jesus name.

One thing is very important to Isaac turnaround and blessing, and the key is OBEDIENCE, he obeyed God’s instructions not to go down to Egypt, when Isaac observed the situation of things where he was staying, he perceived that the famine was going to be intense, and he was considering a soft landing for himself by going down to Egypt.

The Lord ministered to him and he obeyed, the challenge of many of us today is that we want serve God in our own way. We want God to bend His laws to suits us, though we are Fasting and praying but we want to do it in our ways and we want the blessings of God to be upon it. No. Romans 6:1.

Beloved, as we come to the end this 21 days Fasting and Prayers, I want us to examine and evaluate our individual lives, in which area have you being disobeying and not yielding fully to the Lord?

The Bible establishes it for us in Isaiah 1:19 If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land.

Eating the fruit of the land, having answers to our prayers, enjoying the fullness of God over our lives is depended upon our willingness to obey the Divine instructions, as matter of fact, Obedience is Holiness.

This is where we have challenges, where Satan always stand as stumbling block, just like someone has said:

there are two major and important prophets all over the world, prophets that can never lie, the first one is God: He sees and knows everything as our creator; and the second one you: you knows everything you are doing in secret, you know your own plans and thoughts.

The issue of obedience and disobedience is a major key to all those things we desire from God.

As we conclude these 21 days Fasting and Prayers, examine yourself so that you will not be the one hindering your own prayers. Our prayers will not be hindered in Jesus name.

Let Us Pray.

  1. Let us appreciate God for all things He has done for us since the beginning of this 21 days Fasting and Prayers, the ones we can see and the ones we can’t see. The spiritual and the physical blessings.
  2. Let us ask that God’s mercy will overshadow our disobedience in any form in Jesus name.
  3. Let us ask God that His mighty hand that enter into the endeavors of Isaac and made him to prosper in just one year, that same hand will be upon our endeavors and command blessings in Jesus name.
  4. Let us ask God that He will help us henceforth to be an obedient children to all His instructions in Jesus name.
  5. Let us ask that the visible manifestations of God of what I have been praying for especially in this 21 days Fasting and Prayers will begin to show in every area of my life in Jesus name.
  6. Please add yours

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30 Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way,
Maryland 021189,
Lagos, Nigeria.